Life as a Notepad
Imagine life as a giant notepad, where each day you write a new entry. At moments like funerals, when we hear stories about someone's life, we're reminded of the bigger picture. Each person's life is a chapter in an endless notepad, and together, we create a rich history of human experiences.
The Scroll of Time: A Record of All Lives
Think of life as a vast scroll that has been unrolling for thousands of years. Every person and every generation adds their story to this scroll. History isn't just about big events and famous people; it's the ongoing tale of everyone who has lived before us. For example, Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, wrote his thoughts in “Meditations.” His reflections on life, written nearly 2,000 years ago, still offer valuable lessons today.
Learning from History’s Lessons
History is like a treasure chest full of lessons. Take the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and paid the price for his overconfidence. His tale teaches us about the dangers of pride. On the other hand, Thomas Edison’s story shows us the power of persistence—his many failures led to incredible successes. These stories from the past help us make better choices in our own lives.
But history isn’t just about well-known events or famous figures. It also includes the lives of everyday people—like our grandparents who lived through wars and changes. Their stories, though not always celebrated, are crucial parts of our shared history.

Writing Your Chapter
Every day is a new page in the notepad of your life. Funerals and other reflective moments remind us that our time is limited. This prompts us to ask: What kind of story am I writing? Is it one of kindness, courage, and honesty, or is it filled with missed opportunities and regrets?
Think of each day as a blank page. While you can't change the past, you can choose what to write in the future. What will your story say? Will it inspire and guide others, or will it be forgotten?
Margins, Mistakes, and Blank Pages
In a notepad, there are margins—spaces where we write little notes or leave gaps. These margins represent small but meaningful moments: a kind gesture to a stranger, a supportive word to a friend, or a choice to forgive. These small acts can become some of the most memorable parts of our story.
Erasures represent our mistakes. We can’t change the past, but we can learn from it and use those lessons to improve our future pages. Blank pages symbolize the potential and opportunities ahead. Each new day is a chance to live with purpose and write a story you can be proud of.
Living with Purpose
In the grand scroll of time, we are all chapters or even sentences in a larger story. This should motivate us, not frighten us. It’s a reminder to live with intention, make choices that reflect our true values, and leave a legacy we can be proud of.
Steve Jobs once said,
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
This advice encourages us to focus on what truly matters—pursuing our passions, loving our families, and making a positive impact on the world.

Embrace Your Story and Write Your Legacy
As you think about your place in the vast scroll of history, remember that you are both the author and the main character of your story. Learn from the chapters that came before you, and add your own meaningful contributions to this ongoing narrative.
Life is like a notepad with endless pages, each day offering a chance to write something valuable. Fill your pages with love, wisdom, and purpose. Create a story that will stand the test of time and inspire others.
In the end, we’re not just living our lives; we’re contributing to the eternal story of humanity.
So live fully, love deeply, and write a legacy that will inspire those who come after you. Your chapter is yours to write—make it a story worth telling.